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Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer - Nintendo DS

The game takes place in a fantasy version of feudal Japan, and stars a wandering hero named Shiren, and his companion, a weasel named Koppa. They are on a quest for the mystical Land of the Golden Condor, where it is believed to be the home of the legend…
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The game takes place in a fantasy version of feudal Japan, and stars a wandering hero named Shiren, and his companion, a weasel named Koppa. They are on a quest for the mystical Land of the Golden Condor, where it is believed to be the home of the legendary and mysterious city of gold, known as El Dorado. This quest has been attempted many times before by other warriors but never completed due to the long, perilous journey it takes to reach the ancient place. Shiren is determined to succeed where none have before and claim the glory of reaching the Land of the Golden Condor.

In this classic RPG, the player moves in a turn-based manner through randomly generated dungeons that provide a great challenge and lasting replay value. The adventure is not for the weak of heart, so advanced tactics and puzzle solving skills are required to survive the treacherous journey. This quest will take the player through a variety of settings, such as caves, forests, mountain passes, and are filled with ferocious monsters, hidden traps, thieves who may steal your equipment or money, and mysterious items to explore.

* Classic RPG Experience: A turn-based action RPG which allows you time to plan your attacks, but keeps the player on their toes with levels that are unpredictable in nature
* Randomly Generated Dungeons: New unexpected challenges continuously await the player as they enter each dungeon leading up to an addictive 30+ hour adventure experience
* Enhancements From Original SNES Game: Upgrades include 3 expanded territories, multiple monsters, revamped graphics & sounds, and a brand new tutorial mode
* New Online Help Feature: When a player is defeated in a dungeon, another player may be summoned to help via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connect


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  • Språk i spelet: Engelska
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Detta är den senaste informationen från tillverkaren. Om du har mer frågor om tillgängliga språkalternativ kan du vanligtvis hitta informationen på utgivarens websida.
  • Språk på omslaget: Engelska
Produkt ID
Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer
jan 18, 2008
Ytterligare info
Nintendo DS

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